Our Services
Provides next day services within the Maritimes and Newfoundland and 2-day service between the Maritimes and Ontario/Quebec.
This service provides next day service between Ontario/Quebec and Atlantic Canada including a dedicated air freighter service to Labrador.
Our premium document service that ensures your documents are delivered via the fastest means available. Shipments using this service are shipped in our cardboard envelopes.
Our premium small package service which travels in an AltiMax supplied plastic pouch. These shipments travel via the fastest means available.
International Air
AltiMax Courier also provides courier and airfreight services to the US and worldwide if required.
Shipping Systems
AltiMax Courier supplies shipping systems to clients providing certain volume commitments. These shipping systems are tailored to our clients needs and can consist of a complete computer system including printers and scale or as simple as a software installation on one of your own computers.
Shippers must provide access to the internet for data transfer of the manifest information or a phone line for EDI transmission.
- Shippers using our shipping systems enjoy the following advantages:
- Customer address file allows for fast retrieval and accurate label addressing
- All pieces of the shipment are labeled with bar-coded individual piece ID’s
- Consolidations occur as you ship saving time and freight costs.
- End of the day manifest provides an accurate list of your shipments and related costs.
- Reporting options available using your shipment data.
Please contact your local AltiMax Courier Representative for more information.